I just spent some time reflecting on the trends of my blog writing. Over the past 5 years. One of the goals I've set for the last 5 years, is to go on more adventures with my family. Another goal that I've added over the last 5 years is to travel more. I noticed a dip in my blog writing over the past 5 years, but MAN! Have we been on some adventures.
I've decided that I should really share some of our experiences, for others that may consider buckin' up and going on some adventures.
This summer we took a road trip to Colorado from Texas & back. I'll share some of those adventures as time permits. On that trip, we had planned to hit two other Meow Wolf exhibits. One was in Denver and one was in Santa Fe. Needless to say, in all of our adventures, we couldn't find the time or energy to get there. However, this fall a Meow Wolf exhibit opened up in Houston. If at all possible, I like to take the kids somewhere they've never been, before school starts. This year, I took: my three kids, my niece, my Mom, and met my brother at Meow Wolf: RadioTave - Houston, TX.
My kids ages are 15, 12, & 6. My niece is 10. I'll share our favorites, not so favorites, and a perspective a s a Mom/Aunt venturing through the exhibit with the above-mentioned crew.
Kylee's Favorites (15 y/o): There was a sound room where you could ask questions, through a mic, to......the universe, lol. Right beside that room was, what I call a music room that had a sound board, piano, bongo drums.....I may be missing something, but they did like this. She also liked the radio show room.
Your answers are in your questions, grasshopper. |
The News Room
Heath's Favorites (12 y/o - athletic type): The sound room was probably his favorite. He enjoyed things he could physically crawl through, jump and touch, etc. In comparison to some other exhibits we've been too; this one was somewhat limited. When I asked his favorite thing - he said Olive Garden after we left, lol. He did enjoy himself, but was not really physically engaging enough to hold his attention.
Heath's voice picked up a little better, through the mic. |
Ida's Favorites (10 y/o): She LOVED it. She loved the weirdness of things. She loved the colorful things. She loved the artistic views of some of the artists. She really liked the room of recycled material. She talked about it A LOT on the way home. She noticed things that others did not. The sound room was also a hit for her.
You should look for things....LITERALLY everywhere. |
Recycled things |
More recycled things. |
There is a whole 'nother world, under that hood.....and even in the headlights. |
Hunter's Favorites (6 y/o): There was an Underwater Themed room. Think....black light and neon colors. The boys were able to crawl through the coral and there were little discoveries, like: worlds within things. He also liked some of the animal artwork like: the alligator, alligator gar, and fish mural. he also REALLY liked the gift shop. We brought home a coloring book that the 15, 10, and 6 year old all colored in.
Hunter's favorite mural. |
Hunter takes his turn. They even had a chair in there for the littles. |
Music room fun |
The coral crawl |
Hunter's gift shop find. Believe me....all but Heath found something. |

Another world in an object. You can't tell, but there is little people in there. |
My Mom's Favorites: She liked the Underwater Themed room also.
This was probably my favorite room too! SUPER cool. |
If I were to guess, my brother's favorite was probably the sound/music room.
Also in the music room |
The things I liked most about it, was the Texas twist the artists put into the exhibits and artwork. I also liked how it REALLY was other-worldy. It was different than any other exhibit I've taken the kids to, AND....I believe each location will be very different. I liked the safe parking lot and I LOVED all the photo ops.....loved them. I love color, so I really enjoyed it.
This is hard to see, but Heath is sitting on an aerial view of what Texas....sort of looks like, with a spin of other-worldly oil derricks. |
The gift shop ranged from reasonable to unreasonable, but everyone in our party found something to take home.
It is not an exhibit that we will go back to in Houston, BUT - if we make it to an area where Meow Wolf has another exhibit; we will definitely make an effort to stop.
It took us about 3.5 hours to make it through and our entire party was really ready to go after that. I think it could be a jammin' place at night, and maybe an interesting date night place. Our tour entry time ran ahead of schedule, which was nice.
Their least favorite things....collectively were that some of the characters were a little "out there" for all of them. Heath, wished he could have climbed or physically done more. We considered eating in the pub, but it was a little dark and small and seemed busy with people going in and out. It is pretty neat. With my husband or with my girlfriends, we probably would have had a drink, but a lot going on for that many kiddos with me.
The little angel armadillo was okay, but the giant armadillo bar maid, was NOT their favorite. |
The kids were eh....about this. |
Not the best pic, but IF you eat there, you would probably be sitting with different characters. The kids thought they were odd. |
My least favorite thing was the idolistic approach of some of the pieces, but it was not a common theme throughout the entire exhibit. Even with the approach I could appreciate the artistic ability of the artist. There was also quite a bit of people, which made it a little harder to enjoy some of it.
Buck Up Baby & take your people where you can explore and think and see things more creatively.
All in all....we are glad we went. We enjoyed ourselves. I can say with almost 100% certainty that WE MISSED SOMETHING. There were little hidden worlds, and communication, radio, and sound things that we didn't see or weren't patient enough to experience. I think the pricing was comparable to exhibits like it. Maybe slightly on the higher end, but I don't regret paying it. It is a memory they will remember.