So....I felt the need to post :). Not a whole lot of interesting stuff has been going on lately. Well....it may be interesting to you, but it's somewhat FRUSTRATING for me. I thought I'd enlighten you (a little) on just a little bit of what I'm dealing with.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the AUCTION industry, world, realm....whatever you wanna call it. I'm intrigued & really ready to PLUNGE myself into it, more than I already have, BUT....it's not like I can just quit working. While A LOT of auctioneers make a GREAT living....it didn't happen over night. I know a lot of you readers don't know me personally, but I'm the kinda gal that WANT'S IT & I WANT IT NOW :). I'm also the kind of gal that's willin' to work. I'm not sayin' that I'm the most FANTABULOUS, EXPERIENCED, FAST-TALKIN' AUCTIONEER.....b/c I'm not; but I know that I put ALL I've GOT to GIVE into whatever I need to LEARN about. So I want to DO MORE than what I'm doin', but I've gotta make it make sense.
I've had a bit of a hard time just tryin' to understand what is the "RIGHT" thing to do. I've been VERY BLESSED to have met some just AWESOME auctioneers that have AMAZING credentials & experience & ARE WILLING TO HELP ME. Sometimes.....they all want you to go in a different direction than the other, BUT you RESPECT ALL of them. Rightfully so....They've all gotten where they've gotten from hard work & payin' their dues. There are LOTS of avenues an AUCTIONEER can take. More than I EVER had thought about before I started this journey. One AUCTIONEER that I am ever so grateful for told me....."Your way too early in the game to know what "direction" you want to go in." It's weird....I knew that, but I had gotten all wound up b/c I didn't want other auctioneers I know to think that I didn't VALUE what they said & listen to them. I have been advised by a couple of people, to focus on a certain type of auction & not others. They aren't trying to slow me down. They just want me to make sure I align myself with the "right" people in the "right" fields & help me as much as possible. Here's the thing. I AM A PEOPLE PLEASER. I don't want to disappoint anyone. Some of these fellas don't KNOW me. They KNOW they see DRIVE & SMARTS & GRIT & all that jazz in me, but they've JUST recently met me. SO....with that in mind. If I just use my HEAD & ask their advice if I don't know if something is good or bad for me, make MY OWN decision, based on what is BEST for me - then I've shown that I VALUE their opinion & have made the BEST decision for me. I'm not sayin' get involved with an auctioneer that has a crummy reputation or anything. I still need to use my BEST JUDGEMENT & prioritize things the way they ought to be prioritized.
I've been a PROFESSIONAL for quite a while now, maybe not an AUCTION professional, but a professional. It's time I BUCK UP & start actin' like one. It is no different. You take what you can from EVERYONE. Boy....I learned that lesson years ago when I was learnin' to ride cutting horses. I will digress....briefly.... We were at our cutting horse trainers & another Novice rider was trying to tell me how to "tune" my horse. Well....I thought I only needed to listen to the trainer. BOY....Did I get a butt-chewin' from my DADDY. I mean...I was respectful & listened to the novice rider, but was a cocky little SCHEISTER later on the way home. I'll just say.... NEVER AGAIN... will I discredit ANYTHING from ANYONE.
Anyways....I grew up thinkin' that the MORE EXPERIENCE you get...the BETTER you'll be & that you can LEARN a little somethin' from EVERYONE. RIGHT NOW... I want to be a GREAT Auctioneer & OPERATE with the VALUES & MORALS that I have. It'll take some time to be a GREAT one. But let me tell you....when you get that HONOR.... you'll have helped businesses, organizations, individuals, and numerous up & coming auctioneers and will have well-earned the MASSIVE amounts of RESPECT you'll have from other people & auctioneers. I can tell you one thing....I sure wish MR. WALTER BRITTEN was still alive. That fella has been dead & gone, quite some time (God rest his soul), but he's such a BIG DEAL people are STILL talkin' about him!
Here's the cover of Mr. Britten's Book.
I've heard Auctioneers from all over Texas talk, good talk, about Mr. Britten: from Abilene to Corpus Christi , Houston to El Paso. ALL I have to say is WHAT A LEGACY!! |
Back to me figurin' out what's the "right" thing to do...To me, it seems that if somethin' seems "fishy"...it probably is. Stay away from it, ask advice, & use your head. If I want to learn more about cattle auctions & car auctions & antique auctions & energy auctions & real estate auctions & equipment auctions & you get the point...then I'll take the steps I need to, to do that. Learnin' never hurt anybody. I just have to be sure that whateverI decide to do makes sense. If I'm NOT gonna make any $$ doing it - is the experience worth it? The answer will vary. I know how to make those kind of decisions. Momma & Daddy didn't raise no dummy :).
Like I said....I ENJOY it! I'm NO SUPERSTAR, but I have talent & ENOUGH SENSE to know that I don't need to WORRY about doin' the right thing. I just need to DO it. I need to be cautious & do what makes sense & I feel comfortable doing. MAN! I can be pretty darn good at OVERthinking things.
Anyways....I'm not sure that this post has helped anybody, but ME. I hope I at least ENTERTAINED you with my CrAzY, OVER-thinkin' self. Go be with your SWEETIE, or your BABIES, or your AMAZING FRIENDS! SHARE the LOVE today!!! BUCK on UP & Keep on readin'! More tales to come. Believe me....DULL moments don't tend to travel with me.