Thursday, February 20, 2014

Political Roast & Early Act First Knight

I have a fundraising auction coming up this coming Monday in Aransas Pass. I was contacted by a sweet little lady that is part of the Rotary Club there. The Spanish & Science Club Network is allowing them to hold an auction during their Local Political Roast Event, which will be held at the Aransas Pass Civic Center from 6pm-9pm. They are working to raise money for a program called EARLY ACT FIRST KNIGHTS, which is a character building curriculum for public schools.

The most updated information I have is as follows:

Politicians being roasted are:

Jack Chaney, Aransas County Commissioner & Joe McComb, Nueces County Commissioner

The BAKED items that will be auctioned off will be baked by several LOCAL celebrities including:


Currenty City Council Member

Citizen of the Year

Retired District Judge

Engineer From Ony

Care Regional Medial Center PR Specialist

City Manager

Local CPA/Business Owner/2011Citizen of the Year

Chamber of Commerce CEO

Early Act First Knight Supporter

& HOPEFULLY 1 very special MysTerY celebrity!!

When I lived on the coast I was a mentor at one of the local schools (Middle School & High School). I had several friends that were also part of the mentoring program & when we would run into tough scenarios we'd talk with each other about how to BREAK through to our mentee OR try to figure out WHAT they were needing from us. 

Let me tell you... It was tough sometimes. Here are a couple scenarios: A 5th grader is constantly in ISS & when you go and visit they are blank. They don't really want to talk to you. They keep their head down. There is a TOTAL lack of motivation. As the school year goes find out that their parents give this child weed....mainly so they don't bother them. As a mentor you go through the proper channels, but KNOW that this child will already have a battle to overcome, that they should have never even been subject to. 

Here's another: A child with a mother totally out of the picture. Her father has limited presence, but in another state, with his other family - that the mentee only gets to go visit. She has a hard-working aunt that works to support the entire family, so isn't home much. Her uncle doesn't have hardly any interest in her & this middle-schooler doesn't understand it. She has a hard time making friends & seeing her worth.

Last one: A Freshman in high school, that WANTS to DO GOOD. They have an older sister that dropped out of high school at 16 because she was pregnant. The mother has a new boyfriend (that the student doesn't get along with). The student is struggling with their grades. They report drug activity that they saw after school, but their identity somehow gets exposed, so they are now being threatened. Another student threatens the pregnant sister after school & threats of physical violence are voiced. 

I bring these scenarios up because they are REAL. FIRST ACT KNIGHTS is a character-building curriculum that teaches students about HONOR, INTEGRITY, HONESTY, KINDNESS, COURAGE, & SO MUCH MORE! ALL kids naturally want to DO GOOD and make people PROUD of them. Early Act First Knight can be their outlet!

EarlyAct FirstKnight® (or EAFK) is a groundbreaking character education program for elementary and middle schools from Knights of The Guild. Sponsored by Rotary Clubs, EAFK motivates and teaches children of all backgrounds to become civil, service-oriented people during their most formative years.

Here are more links to learn more about Early Act First Knight:

I hope all of my friends down South can make it out to this event! Who doesn't like a good roast? I'm not positive where you can get the tickets, but I'm sure the Aransas Pass Civic Center OR the Spanish & Science Club Network (look at the bottom of the web page) can point you in the right direction!! BUCK UP BABY & THROW THOSE HANDS UP! This is SUCH a needed program for our schools & together we can raise enough $$$$ to keep it going & MAYBE get it into MORE schools!! GOD BLESS!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Clear Out The Barns! Dust Off Those Collectibles! Accepting Consignments!!

Hey Friends & friends of friends!!! Buck Up Auctions is holding its 1st General Consignment Auction of the year on March 1st @ the NEW Ledbetter Fire Hall (301 West Labodie St., Ledbetter, TX)!

We will BEGIN accepting consignments on February 9th! PLEASE see the flyer & call to set an appointment! We have no problem coming out to look at items, answering questions, & helping you however we can.

Some people have been asking: "Well what kind of items are you takin'?" At a general consignment auction, just about anything goes.... Anything from tractors and trailers to chandeliers...

Anything from coins & currency to hog traps....

Anything from ammo to costume jewelry....

Anything from diamonds to tires...

Anything from antiques to fishing reels...

Anything from old doors, windows, and cabinets to western tack...

Anything from work boots to advertising pieces....

You get my drift...

Check out our website at
Like us on Facebook HERE.

I am so VerY MUCH looking forward to this auction. I worked at one down in South Texas & just can't wait to give our people something to do & somewhere to go and get a FAIR price on their items & give the buyers a FAIR chance at buying some really GREAT items.

I'll be out poundin' the pavement the next couple of weeks, BUT call me. You guys can START bringing your consignment pieces to the AUCTION SITE starting February 9th. I'm going to develop a schedule of WHEN someone will be there on a REGULAR basis & we can always set up a time that works for all of us, by appointment. Please LIKE the Facebook Page AND program my number in your phone, so you can keep up to date on the who, what, when, & where of things.

DISCLAIMER: The images shown are not a representation of actual items that will be at auction. They are being used as a guide to show everyone SOME of the different TYPES of items WELCOME for consignments. These are not the only types of items being accepted.

BUCK UP BABY!! Come to the auction! Mark it on your calendars! Buy your sweetie somethin', make a little money on the stuff you've been meanin' to do something with. Cheers & call me! Heather: 979.421.0325 - Buck Up Auctions - TXL 17037.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

RE-affirmed & Ready to Go!

This past Saturday was the annual RTC Education Foundation Round Up. The event was GREAT. We had GREAT auction items for the LIVE & silent auctions. The food was delicious. The music was toe-tappin' good & the caliber of people there were TOP NOTCH! A big THANK YOU goes out to all the donors and the FANTASTIC group of bidders we had. You guys truly made it FuN & a HUGE success!!!

Photo credit goes to Melissa Wickel!! Great Job! Lace Dress comes from Junk Gypsy Company & Turquoise Necklace from Brenham Saddle Shop.)

This auction also REaffirmed a few things for me. Unless you've gone into business for yourself before, it's hard for me to explain ALL the different thoughts that can go through a person's head like..... Did I make the right move? Can I hack it in a sea of other auctioneers? Can I hang with the best of'm? Will there be a FUTURE in this? 

Let alone all the specific BUSINESS things that go through your head & processing what you hear from other people in the industry: Am I being fair? Am I shortchanging myself? Is my image "professional" enough? Is it unique enough? Am I holding true to ME? Am I taking care of my voice? GREAT, WoNDerFuL people of ROUND TOP CARMINE.... You gave me a moment of reaffirmation. I won't go into every single little detail.... or conversation... or my epiphanies, if you will...

Let me just say that I had a few conversations, with several people, about a plethora of rAndOM topics. ALL of them were just what my SOUL needed, in JUST the right "areas of concern" that were millin' around in my mind.

I prayed a BIG prayer before that auction & the GOOD LORD delivered.

Folks...I have a couple auctions coming up. The next one scheduled thus far is a benefit auction for Dana Herzog Srubar. She is a young mother (early 30s) that has been diagnosed with breast cancer & has already started chemo treatments. The auction is February 22nd at Chicken Ranch Dance Hall in Nechanitz. Please shoot me a message or give me a call if you are interested in donating to the LIVE or silent auctions & please keep in mind when you are looking for something to do on February 22nd. Black Cat Choir will be performing. For all of you business owners & political candidates out there. Donating items & bidding on items makes for a GREAT PR campaign in these little small towns - where TV ad campaigns are non-existent.

Also....starting February 9th - We can start accepting consignments for the 1st GENERAL CONSIGNMENT AUCTION Buck Up Auctions will be holding this year. It is at the NEW Ledbetter Fire Hall (right beside the old dance hall) one block off of HWY 290 - ACROSS the Highway from Stuermer Store. I'll be blogging more about it later, BUT please mark your calendars to be there & PLEASE be thinking of a few items you may like to consign & get some money for.

Many, many BLESSINGS ya'lls way! Buck Up Baby! Come to an auction! Ask me some questions! Leave me some comments! Also...pick the picture you like best. I have to send one off to the National Auctioneer Association & I want to pick THE BEST! I appreciate all of it!