Thursday, May 7, 2015

Buck Up Scholarship.....The POWER in SHARING some of your most difficult moments....

The Buck Up Scholarship Committee has determined the recipients of this years scholarships. There was $2000 worth of scholarships available. There was a total of 93 applicants.

There are a few IMPORTANT things I want to SHARE with you, regarding what this process/cause/idea has taught me...

1) We have 93 leaders in our community that have EXHIBITED the COURAGE & STRENGTH to BUCK UP when they are called to. They are also WILLING to SHARE their story for the betterment of others. Let that fact alone allow ENCOURAGEMENT to soak into your bones.

2) The committee, myself, & anyone who reads some of these essays (from recipients & non-recipients) will FOREVER be a good way.

3) The IDEA of what this scholarship could help provide could have NEVER encompassed what it ACTUALLY provides....that is worth WAY more than the money. The money just makes their walk a little easier. Sometimes LIFE CAN BE HARD & the way we handle it is what develops our character. I was humbled to help provide a SOURCE OF CreAte and avenue where people can POSITIVELY affect see in black and white, the burdens that people have had to bear....which no one else may have ever known about...if they weren't asked.

Over the next few weeks we will SHARE their essays with all of you.

I want to also share....that last year's kick-off event ALMOST didn't happen & because of the ENCOURAGEMENT & HELP of a friend we just BUCKED UP &  made it happen.

$1000 Scholarship Recipient:
Katherine Winkles
Brenham ISD

Katherine came to the aid, in a MIGHTY big way, to two fellow teens & has developed a "passion to prevent the physical self harm that takes place among teens." She continued to fight for the safety of her one friend and says: "I could have backed down, but I didn't and because of that someone who is a dear friend now has a safe home.... I learned that if the cause matters to you, then backing down is never and option."

$500 Scholarship Recipient:
Tyler Copeland
Round Top - Carmine ISD

Tyler has made the decision, through the experience of his Mother's illness & passing, to give back to the community & the departments that helped his mother & family during the trying times of his Mother's illness. He has taken the first steps in that decision by volunteering with the Carmine Volunteer Fire Department. His words: "I want to help and give back to others like they helped Mom."

$500 Scholarship Recipient:
Phillip Ho
Brenham ISD

Phillip moved to the United States from Vietnam when he was 8. The only English words he knew were "yes" & "no." He made a conscious decision his Sophomore year of high school to focus on his future  & appreciate the sacrifices his parents made by coming here. His Words: "I am trying to make their sacrifices my accomplishments, and by doing so give back to America and my community, what they have graciously given to me." He will be the first in his family to attend college.

I want to ENCOURAGE all the applicants that will not receive a scholarship THIS year, to APPLY AGAIN! There is no age limit on this scholarship. If you have a financial NEED for education & a WILLINGNESS to share your story - this scholarship is available to you.

BUCK UP BABY! Go ENCOURAGE someone today! It could make all the difference in their lives!