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Me (girl in back with cap AND cowboy hat on) and my CrAzY friends on the river! |
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Me and Some of my pretty girlfriends!! |
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Just visitin´ with my gal pals and my HONEY! |
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The FRIO when there´s water in it! |
Well everyone! I helped Uncle Mele at my 3rd Auction yesterday! It was to raise $$$ for the Burton Lions Club. I am SO HAPPY I could help out with this one. I have a real soft spot in my HEART for the LIONS CLUB in general. When my brother, sister, and I were real young the Carmine Lions Club held a benefit for my Daddy to help with medical bills. They were also the NON-PROFIT that supported me when I ran for FAYETTE COUNTY FAIR QUEEN. If that´s not enough...they also awarded me one of their SCHOLARSHIPS when I graduated high school. When I went to BLINN COLLEGE...I became a Blinn College CHARTER member of their Lion´s Club and now am going thru the process to become a ROCKPORT NOON LION! I´m going to get on my SOAPBOX for a little while, so here goes: The Lions Club needs YOUNGER MEMBERS to step up and help lay some foundation for the FUTURE of the organization. It is a FANTASTIC organization that HELPS those that need it within the COMMUNITY. I don´t do as much as I´d like to, but I don´t think it should be passed over when your looking to become active within the community. To check out more click here.
Now that I´ve finished recruiting new Lions... I wanted to SHARE a couple of things that I learned from this auction:
1) Not all PA systems work well inside a hall with a low ceiling.
2) I need to pay a little more attention to my bid callers AND the bidders.
3) Its much easier if you know everyone´s name OR they have bidder #s.
I have a VIDEO to share will ya´ll this time. It will show you what I mean by #1. To explain a little more on #2 and #3. I had a VERY GOOD bid caller on my right-hand side. He was lettin´ me know that I had a bidder (very NICE lady w/ a pretty blouse). Well....he also was telling me of ANOTHER BIDDER that was sitting (almost) right in FRONT of her....at the SAME table. Well...I saw the lady and I THOUGHT he was just MAKING SURE I had her. Well...he was ACTUALLY trying to tell me that the other GENTLEMAN wanted in on the bid. It was really NO BIG DEAL. We got it all straight. It is just really helping me to get a feel of the kind of situations that arise during an auction and what to pay attention to.
Like the title of my BLOG says....I FEEL LIKE I´M HITTIN´ MY STRIDE :)!! I didn´t really have the JITTERS anymore. I mean...I had some, BUT not like the last two auctions. I WAS READY TO GET BEHIND THE MIKE. TURN ME LOOSE! LET ME SELL SOMETHIN´!! I´ve still got LOTS of learnin´ to do, but I WANT TO BE AN AUCTIONEER :).
REALLY... I ENJOY it the more I do it. I can´t wait until the next one.
Uncle Mele told me I get to help at the CHURCH FEAST IN FAYETTEVILLE in a couple of weeks. It benefits ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CATHOLIC CHURCH. THAT´S MY CHURCH!!! I´m pretty excited about it! PLUS...Mr. Rick Sodek (my Uncle´s Business Partner) will be auctioneering too and he hasn´t heard me yet! I want to APOLOGIZE ahead of time if I FORGET your name while I´m up there. BTW - I´ll be helping out at the tea stand too, SO come on by and visit while you wet your whistle :).
I want to give credit to some of my VERY GOOD friends that have helped me out. You´ll probably hear about them some more b/c they´re some of my runnin´ buddies :)!
Little Ms. Kacie Stanford (One of the geniuses behind the RoWdY MAUI Boutique and Clothing line), has been a VERY big help to me with all this BLOGGING business!! She´s been blogging for years and has really stopped me from "losing it" when I couldn´t get my background the right color or get it layed out the way I wanted. Plus...she probably heard my first blog a bunch of times b/c I´d call and ask..."Does that sound good? Is it too long? Is it interesting?" SO....I APPRECIATE YOU!! MUAH! You all need to check out her shop @ rowdymaui.com! The name says it all BUT to hear my definition: It is the most ROCKIN´, FANTABULOUS, ROOTIN´TOOTIN´IST, AWESOME boutique you´ll ever visit. You can´t go wrong with a place where your greeted by a turqoise and pink EARLESS donkey, DEER heads with PRETTY GLITTERY eyelashes, lawn gnomes that MOON you, and all the BRIGHT, FESTIVE, CRAZY colors that are inside and out. If you´re even a little bit ROWDY you´ll LOVE it!! You can also check out her blog @ pistolsandcupcakes.blogspot.com!
I also want to give a SHOUT OUT to my VERY DEAR and LONG TIME FRIEND...Ms. Shannon Buck!! She is the gal that took the pictures of me in my second blog. (She only did it because she loves me.) She specializes in engagement, senior, and wedding portraits. That girl is SO busy, but one thing is for sure. SHE CAN TAKE SOME PICTURES!! You can check them out at http://www.shannonbuckphotography.com/!
Thank you all for reading my blog!! I hope I see you all soon. You all get ready to BUCK UP at the next auction! I want to see all those hands up waving at me :)! Ya´ll take care until next time!!
Love that Frio River!! :) I had such a great time catching up with everyone. Also, LOVE the videos!! :) I can't wait to hear ya at the church feast. I'll have to buy something just because you'll be up there ;) see you soon love!
ReplyDeleteSo glad ya'll had a great time at the Frio!!! and I'm with Kaysie, I'd totally buy something from you too, I'm so proud of you girl! You look and sound great in those videos!
ReplyDeleteYou know I'm always more than happy to help you out with this bloggin' and website junk, and thank you sooo much for being so supportive of Rowdy Maui, miss ya tons! :)
Great post girl! Love the videos!
ReplyDeleteOooo I love Rowdy Maui too!! Kacie has some fabulous taste for sure! I would definitely love to go river tubing as well : )
ReplyDeleteOkay pretty lady - what took me so long to get over here and visit you?!
ReplyDeleteAuctioneer? In the big bad state of Texas? I'll come wave my hand 'round like a crazy girl and buy from you! And a 2-year-old to boot? You must have an amazing time keeping up with yourself!!!
Happy Thursday - and I'll be keepin' up with you!!!
;-D robelyn