Monday, November 7, 2011


Hey Everybody!! I had thoughts on writing this blog (maybe a week or so ago) after I had a new Account Executive shadow me.

Just a little background for new readers... I work in Cable TV Ad Sales. My job consists of doing all kinds of things like putting TV ad schedules together, writing scripts for commercials, help shoot commercials, meet with new and existing clients, and all the in between stuff that goes along with it. I´ve been doin´ this right around 4.5 years.
Here I´m at a shoot for a local hospital.

Commercial Shoot at Young´s Pizza in Kingsville :) Gotta love those Patooties and Texicalis! That´s my high school classmate in that hat.
Well...when they hire a new Account Executive they usually send them out to shadow other Account Executives that have been out sellin´ for a while. The company hired this little Montana gal that, quite frankly, I took a likin´ to. I enjoyed her company and enthusiasm. I took her with me on client meetings with a Detail Shop, Retina Specialist, and a Jeweler (good mix of businesses I´d say) and when I dropped her back off at the coffee shop she said to me "I really had a GREAT time and appreciate you letting me go out with you. I just really enjoyed ALL THE STORIES and they helped me to get a good idea of what I´m gettin´ myself into."

It really got me to thinkin´ about my experience at Auction School and how Mr. Moon told us LOTS of STORIES about his experiences throughout his years as an auctioneer. plan was to expand on that a bit and tell you about some of the storytellers that I´ve had in my life (which I am still going to do), but after this weekend I have a little more to share.

My husband used to work with a fella name Larry (he retired) that lets him hunt out at his property in Swinny Switch (teeny tiny place in South Texas). Let´s just say that I really enjoyed my weekend. Larry, Connie (his wife) and their little puppy Buddy along with their other new livestock made our stay VERY fun! They are the kind of people that you can just be yourself around WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM - no reservations! They are just GOOD PEOPLE.
MiMi Connie and G-Pa Larry :)
Little Buddy! Kylee had him plum tuckered out at the end of every day, but I think they both had a ball.
Kyle and the doe he shot Saturday morning w/ big grinnin´ Kylee Jo.
I´m not quite sure what it is that draws me to CREATIVE people, but I just am. Mrs. Connie (Mimi Connie as my little girl calls her) makes these ADORABLE teddy bears called "Mimi Loves." You should be sure to go like her page on Facebook: MiMi Loves Bears. Kylee was carrying one around and it was almost as big as she is.

How cute is she?!
Or what about these little ladies? She makes them for little boys too :).
Anyways...(I know I´m gettin´ side-tracked) we went to this festival in George West called....STORYFEST! I wasn´t quite sure what it would be like, but was more than willin´ to check it out. We went and checked out this contest called the "The Texas State Liars´ Contest." (It´s copyrighted -Don´t even think about stealin´ it.) Oh my gosh....It was SO Funny!! I mean there were stories about red-eyed coons, a monkey with a gun, roosters, horse snatchin´ name it. I snagged a couple of videos of people that previously won the award. UNFORTUNATELY...I´ve been trying to load them all day and I´ve finally given up. I´ll try and figure out what the situation is and share it with you later. They are between 8 and 10 minutes. Who knows? We didn´t get to watch them all and don´t even know who won, but I mean to tell you. It was a neat little festival. They had booths set up and other tents with all kinds of different speakers - Christian, Inspirational, Cowboy, name it. I DEFINITELY want to go back again!

I do believe that there are people that have a knack for tellin´ stories. I mean....we can ALL tell stories, but to tell them to where PEOPLE ACTUALLY LISTEN TO WHAT YOUR a talent. It´s just like any great speaker or comedian. First´ve gotta have the guts to get up there and DO IT.

That was my worst fear when I started auctioning. Not only was I getting in front of LOTS of people, but I was gonna be talkin´ funny :) AND I didn´t even know if my "talkin´ funny" was bein´ done right.

Well...I can tell ya´ll one thing. Whatever you´re doin´ PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! That´s what has gotten me through the auctions I have done and what you better believe these storytellers had to do also.

Goin´ back to my ORIGINAL thoughts about this Storytellin´ Blog. When that little Montana Girl told me she "enjoyed all my stories" well....I felt pretty proud of myself. To be honest I didn´t even realize how many I had told. I was just tellin´ her what worked for me, experiences I had, and I guess found the humor OR the lesson in them. Not only did I teach her something, but she enjoyed learnin´ it!

Then it got me to thinkin´ about all the stories that I had recently heard from Mr. Moon and how they helped us get a better understandin´ of all those rules and laws we were learnin´ about. I mean...we´d remember the answers to quiz questions b/c of his stories. They were funny OR pretty serious. Either way...they made us pay attention.

I know some of you readin´ this KNOW my Daddy and my Uncle Fritz. Now...THEY are some REAL STORYTELLERS. Someone should ask Uncle Fritz about his "Old Red is Dead" story or maybe "The Woman at Cummins Creek." Daddy´s got a few of his own like his "Nursin´ Turtle," "Candy cane Rat Tails," or just ask him about his "Little Brother."

My Daddy and my Little Brother-Chance. Chance is freakin´ HILARIOUS when he gets goín´. I always tell him he should write some stuff, practice, and go to an open mic night at some comedy club. It´s those storytellin´ genes...
Here´s my Uncle Fritzie w/ Little Miss Kylee at her 1st Christmas. My family LOVES them some babies! Look at him glowin´!
I´s one of those things...when you grow up around all that, I guess it´s bound to rub off on ya a little bit. It still just shocks me, like touchin´ a hot wire fence for the first time, that I don´t realize it right away.

Just to give everyone an update: I´ve got all my paperwork sent off. I´m just waiting on a reply from the state to schedule a time to take the licensing exam for my Auctioneer´s License. I got a receipt back saying they received. (GREAT idea on Mr. Moon´s part) I´ve also talked with an auction house that is willin´ to let me help out at the auction and sell a few things - once I get licensed.

I am still SO excited about all of this, but feel like I´m just kinda waitin´ now. A lot of the fundraising auctions are over for the year. Nonetheless, I´m still amped up and ready to BUCK UP BABY!!

Thanks for reading. You never may just hear about me tellin´ stories in George West - The Storytelling Capital of Texas. I think I may have added something new to my bucket list :). Be sure to check out all the links!

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